New Tune Book at Fred Finn CCÉ

We are delighted to announce that we have just published a book of music tunes for use in our classes going forward entitled 'The Sligo Book of Tunes'.We have published this book to provide a comprehensive learning resource to children attending our classes. It also provides us with a more structured learning programme for all children attending classes. It is just hot off the press and is being rolled out for use in all classes from tomorrow.Your child will receive a homework sheet to go inside their book, which teachers will fill each week.This book contains over 200 tunes, from total beginner through to advanced players. From tomorrow, we will not be handing out sheets to children with tunes on them, as every child will need their own copy of the book for their class. (The only class not using the book will be children attending harp classes or dancing classes)Before your child goes to their class, you will need to purchase a copy of the book for your child. We are providing this learning resource at a special subsidised rate to children attending Fred Finn Classes. It's available for purchase on Saturday mornings.Each child in a family will need their own book for their classes as sharing books won't be suitable. 


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