Adult Classes Recommence Thursday 26th September

Adult Traditional Music Classes recommence Tomorrow night 26th September  with registration from 7:45 pm at Gaelscoil Cnoc na Ré.We are pleased to announce that Michael Hurley will also take beginner classes.We hope to have registration completed by 9pm so please attend in advance of your normal times so that you are present for your full class.Delighted to announce also that June McCormack with assistance from Tutors at CCÉ Fred Finn have just published 'The Sligo Book of Tunes' for use in all our classes.This book contains over 200 tunes from total beginner level through to advanced which will be of benefit to all students of CCÉ Fred Finn.We are providing this learning resource at a specially subsidised rate of €10 for all members attending Fred Finn Classes.The total cost of classes for this term  is € 100 I.E.(Classes  €80, CCE Membership, €12, The Sligo Book of Tunes €10).Looking forward to seeing you all back at the classes. Instrument hire is also available.


Adult Singing Classes Registration Open


Sligo‘s All-Ireland Champions Síofra and Eimear to perform at Ceoláras Coleman